Lolita’s Review (Vladimir Nabokov)

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin my soul. Lo-lee-ta…

An incredibly smooth serene sequential, a continuation of mouth vocal and nasal sounds, a cake of crunchy crispy creamy words, a lust, a lavished lust, a nymphet’s lust, a bunch of lilac letters, a rosy paper, a funny torture, a miserable fortune, a lyrical human encounter, a simple ‘lo’, a lovely ‘lee’, a naughty ‘ta’, a wildy childhood, a miserable fun, a lot of fun and a lot of fury.

A primitive amour, a kind sin, an erected passion, a muddy love affair, a nasty nymphancy, a helpless young body, a messy red lipstick, a sophisticated suicide, a hopeless rape, a monster with a warm heart, an angel with a naughty mind, extroverted caresses, pervert hands, a cursed pen of poetry, a mesmerizing submission, a boyish rage, a yearning, a longing, a mourning for dirty shelter, for salty saliva, for subtle literature.

H.H & Lolita